Audio Treatment
Dedicated Team
Publishing Assistance
Per-Episode Production
Whether established on new to the podcasting scene, we understand that your preference will likely be for per-episode production. That’s Ok with us, no commitment. However, we’re confident that you will be delighted with our service and should you want to set up a longer-term contract, that works for us as well. Afterall by doing so, you can save up to 20% on the regular per-episode pricing. Just reach out to us to discuss further.
How it Works
Our Editing & Production includes minimising those little mistakes. Some editors remove the ums and ahhs etc. altogether, we may not if in our editorial opinion it detracts from the intended message or flow of the show. If they do get in the way of your message, for sure, they’re gone.
Got bumpers or music beds for your show? No problem tell us time stamps or insertion location, that’s all included in the price along with audio levelling and show notes. Got an image you want to use for the episode, use your dedicated dropbox folder and we’ll integrate you supplied episode image for FREE.
Once editing is complete, we shall notify you that the edit is available for your review and sign-off. We will provide two FREE rounds of revisions.
Always know what you’ll pay.
Up to 45 minutes of raw audio
per episode contract
Up to 60 minutes of raw audio
per episode contract
Up to 60 minutes raw audio
per 10 episode contract (Saving 20%)
Need help in setting up your podcast?
Check our FAQ’s, jump to Support Services from the menu above or fill in the form below and let us do the heavy lifting for you.
Frequently asked questions
If you have not done any public speaking, the first thing that you are going to encounter is the fear of listening to your voice. You will stumble over words make mispronunciation a whole gambit of things. My best advice is, don’t worry; we have all been in your position.
Build confidence by reading aloud the newspaper (not internally) “ALOUD”. Doing this regularly for a couple of weeks, you will get to know the diction /cadence/clarity of your voice in a recording setting.
To start with record somewhere quiet like a closet. The clothes around you will act as a sound booth, and you will be able to get pretty good results. Just keep hydrated because being closed up like that your mouth will dry up and affect your recording.
How big is your budget? When getting started, you only need a USB microphone, laptop and recording software. As you develop your recording chops, you can introduce additional hardware such as interfaces and mixers.
Growing further you could be live broadcasting & streaming. There is no end to what you could do. But to kick off – here are my starter podcast recommendations:
Startup – Solo Presenting:
Microphone – Samson Q2U
Laptop PC /mac: – Any make that has a USB port.
Recording / Editing Software:
Apple mac: Garageband – FREE
PC: Audacity – FREE
For podcast recording, the best audio format to use is what is called lossless; typically, this will be either WAV or AIFF. If your publishing yourself the final output will be mp3 (128bit for stereo or 96bit for mono). File type WAV or AIFF will be the best for additional editing.
Some editors prefer to have 48Khz sampling rate, but to be honest, 44.1Khz is more than sufficient for a podcast spoken word.
Great question. Stemming from the radio industry and “intro” is the initial introduction to the show, generally a short 10/15 second synopsis of what the episode s about and making the listener want to hear more. and can be accompanied by your shows signatory music. “Outro” as the name suggests, is played at the end of the show and notifies the listener that it is the end. It also allows you to tell them about the next upcoming show and entice them back next time. Depending on the show style it can be a quick 55second out or 30-second long-tail ending.
Word of caution – If you are using any music, make sure that you have the proper licencing and don’t breach copyright.
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Wild Haggis Media
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